This track is the Society's fouth track since formation in 1948, and was constructed over a period of three years (including planning, funding etc.), with an official opening taking place in June 2009.
The raised track, all from new materials, is dual gauged for 3½" and 5" gauge locomotives, with an additional pair of rails to allow for 7¼" gauge trolleys. 
There are six steaming bays, with a trailer off-loading spur and hydraulic lift, serviced by a curved turntable which can normally accomodate a locomotive and trolley coupled together.
The track route is close to 1000 feet in length, and running in a clockwise direction from the station, climbs towards the top of the site at no more than 1 in 100, before turning and falling at about 1 in 57 on the return circuit.
The valley shaped site dictates a rise from one end to the other, and includes some testing gradients for smaller locos.
The track was designed to be easy and quick to construct, and repair, without mixing mountains of concrete for pillars.
So the track is supported on galvanised steel posts pushed firmly into the ground, then cut to length.
On each post sits a steel plate with a wooden block bolted on, giving lots of adjustment.
Attached to these, twin longitudinal 150mm x 25mm timber beams are mounted on edge, topped with purpose made polycarbonate sleepers, and screwed down scale section steel rails joined by fishplates.
There are six steaming bays of varying gauges, with 12v power, water and night lighting, accessed by a traverser.
We have a Club house (something we never previously had), for which we had a grant.
However, the bulk of materials for supports, track, rails, stations, steaming bay lighting, and grounds maintenance equipment was donated from the generosity of a number of club members keen to see the Society keep moving forward.
Our new track has certainly been well received, and is in regular use.
Note: The conditions of our Tenancy are that we do not operate public running - but fellow enthusiasts from other Societies are welcome to visit and steam their engines by prior arrangement.